Monday, May 25, 2009

Rest In Peace 2/13/31 - 5/17/04 Dorothy McFadden

Pretty much self-explanatory.

The day started real bad. The boys had a bad night, they kept coming in our room crying, so I didn't get much sleep. Overslept, missed the alarm, missed mass. The mass that my whole family went to. It was raining. I was at Five Points, and my family didn't want to wait on me. It was a family thing, but I guess...well, nevermind. It's too much drama for some people. So I met my good friend Mary, from Cathedral at the cemetery. She bought the red roses that are in the bottom picture. I did pretty good. I didn't cry.
Then we headed off to the park. There we had a little fun. It was still raining. Hung out with the family a little.
I was able to get some good pictures of the kids in their new outfits. The boys really look like twins, and the girls had spirit week the week before, and friday was Green and Gold day, so therefore they have yellow and green.
I did pretty good. I miss mom, badly. I wish she was still here. I wish she could have met Damien and Christopher. I can't wait to hold her in my arms again. I miss you mom. I can't believe it's been five years.
The kids have grown up. Alannah is starting 5th grade in the fall. Alyssa will be in 3rd grade. Alannah started Kindergarten the year that you passed away. They are so beautiful. You would love them so much. The boys, you would eat them up. They would definitely give you a run around though. They are fiesty. But they know who you are, we talk about all the time. Damien knows who are in a photo. Every time we drive past a cemetery... any cemetery, he points out that's "Special Grandma's Flowers!" Not bad for a three year old that never met you.

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