It was beautiful outside today. Granted it's 51 degrees now, it was sunny, a little chilly, but a wonderful day for the kids to get outside and get some fresh air. Christopher wanted to play on the little "stepping stone" things, they have the pole on top and a chain at the bottom.

Alannah was trying to help me get a good picture of Christopher, but he was not cooperating. But I think you get the idea of what the "stepping stone" things are above.

When she was little, she loved getting her picture taken. I don't know why she hates the camera so much now. But I tried to take almost 10 pictures of this kid, and she knows how to duck and hide. So I got her "better" side! The little rat!

Now, this kid is different, he will let me take a picture of him. In fact, he loves it! I sittin on a fawog!

Playing peek a boo with Christopher, I got this great picture of him looking through one of the holes!

There is this spot where all four of them pretend that it's a bus. Here's Alyssa, which I had to call her BUG, cause there was another Alyssa playing at the park today also. Damien was telling everyone to sit still!

And I like this cool effect.... you get the HOLE picture here! OMG... Alannah was actually letting me take the picture, she said just to get the HOLE effect, she'd let me take it. Go figure, there were two Christopher's at the park, so Alannah got to hold Fer-da-Fer!

Either way we did it, I was either looking into the sun, and would not have been able to get a good picture of them.... OR they looked into the sun. Ok, maybe not all of them...

This is how I can get away with taking pictures of Alannah... she never saw me taking these ones of her and Damien playing by the swings.
They got to play for a little over an hour. I can't stay too long there, I get frustrated at other parents for not watching there kids. Two boys probably around 6 - 9, brothers, thought they owned the place. Pushing in front of the boys, cutting line to go down the slide, then fighting at who got to go down first, holding up the same line they cut... and what did the parents do.... NOT A THING!
Then.... there is always the little miss know it all! "I think he's too young to climb on the dinosaur with me. .... My daddy built this playground, and I helped him, and I know how to play on it. ... I think he can't climb it... I think you need to help him put his foot right there, but he's too little for up front." Ugh... shush kid, did she not realize I am the parent, and parents know things!
Then.... as we were leaving, Christopher climbed on the picnic table and walked on the bench cause he saw other kids doing it. I told him NO, cause people eat at those tables, and it's nasty to walk on the benches and tables.... parents sitting there watching their kids jump on the tables. One...Ewww! Two, fall off break head open... when was the parent gonna tell them no.
Alannah told me the parents just sat there and watched their kids play like that, and I told her that I am glad that I raised my kids right. Especially around other kids.... UP ladders, DOWN slides... little kid got kicked cause Damien slid down the slide... not his fault, other kids fault, or better yet... the parents fault!
After all said and done... on our way home.... Christopher was asleep within 4 minutes after leaving the park! I'm glad it wore him out, cause he woke up early this morning.
I had that same things going on at the mall playground on Monday. There was a little boy that tried to take money from the change machine, got mad at the boys because they got to ride the rides and he didn't (even though I let him ride with Xander), then he was hitting and pushing kids on the playground. All I could do was look at Mark's mom and say, "If that was my child!!" There another little boy that pushing people out of his way, everyone was cutting Xander in line and some little girls were throwing things. It's days like that that I realize that my kids could be better, but they could also be a lot worse.